祝贺我们的论文被IEEE TIFS接收!
Authors: Xiaotong Zhou, Debiao He, Jianting Ning, Min Luo, Xinyi Huang
Title: Efficient Construction of Verifiable Timed Signatures and its Application in Scalable Payments
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
Abstract: Despite the myriad benefits offered by blockchain technology, most of them still face several interrelated issues, such as limited transaction throughput, exorbitant transaction fees, and protracted confirmation times. Payment channel networks have emerged as a promising scalability solution, allowing two mutually distrustful users to engage in multiple off-chain transactions. However, existing schemes based on Hash Time Lock Contract or Anonymous Multi-hop Lock generally cannot ensure strong unlinkability of payments, due to the fact that the time-lock information still remains on the blockchain. To enhance on-chain privacy, a versatile tool was recently proposed by Thyagarajan et al. (CCS’20), named Verifiable Timed Signatures, but it suffers from the dual insufficiencies of linear-increasing performance and time unverifiability (i.e., performance is linear to the number of signature shares, and signatures cannot be ensured recoverable after the specified time). In this paper, we first propose an approach to reduce computational overhead of VTS, which can be applied to enhance other established schemes, such as VTD (S&P’22) and VTLRS (ESORICS’22). To further reduce the computational complexity from O(n) to O(1), we introduce a new cryptographic primitive called Verifiable Timed Adaptor Signatures. Moreover, we extend the VTAS to VTAS+ which provides the security property of verifiable recovery. We demonstrate the practicality of our proposal via presenting a concrete instantiation and constructing a privacy-enhanced payment channel network. Finally, the comprehensive evaluation reveals that our solutions exhibit superior performance than the state-of-the-art schemes.
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