1. Debiao He*, Jianhua Chen, Jin Hu. An authentication key agreement protocol using isogenies between elliptic curves, International Journal of Computers Communications & Control (SCI), 6(2): 251-258, 2011.
2. Debiao He*, Jianhua Chen, Rui Zhang. An efficient identity-based blind signature scheme without bilinear pairings, Computers & Electrical Engineering (SCI), 37(4): 444–450, 2011.
3. Debiao He*, Yitao Chen, Jianhua Chen, Rui Zhang. A new two-round certificateless authenticated key agreement protocol without bilinear pairings, Mathematical and Computer Modelling (SCI), 54(11-12): 3143–3152, 2011.
4. Debiao He, Jianhua Chen*, Jin Hu. An ID-based proxy signature schemes without bilinear pairings, Annals of Telecommunications (SCI), 66(11-12): 657–662, 2011.
5. Debiao He*, Jianhua Chen, Jin Hu. Further improvement of Juang et al.'s password-authenticated key agreement scheme using smart cards, Kuwait Journal of Science & Engineering (SCI), 38(2A): 55-68, 2011.
6. Debiao He*, Jianhua Chen, Jin Hu. Weakness of a remote user password authentication scheme using smart card, International Journal of Network Security (EI), 13(1): 58-60, 2011.
Email:cpeng@whu.edu.cn (彭聪)