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1. Libing Wu, Jing Wang, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Debiao He*, Secure key agreement and key protection for mobile device user authentication, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol...
1. Chao Lin, Debiao He*, Neeraj Kumar, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Alexey Vinel, Xinyi Huang, Security and Privacy for the Internet of Drones: Challenges and Solutions (SCI), IEEE Communications Magazine,...
1. Xiaoying Jia, Debiao He*, Li Li and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Signature-based three-factor authenticated key exchange for internet of things applications, Multimedia Tools and Applications (SCI), DOI...
1. Debiao He, Sherali Zeadally, Neeraj Kumar, Jong-Hyouk Lee*, Anonymous authentication for wireless body area networks with provable security, IEEE Systems Journal (SCI), vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 2590 – ...
1. Debiao He, Sherali Zeadally, Neeraj Kumar, Wei Wu*, Efficient and anonymous mobile user authentication protocol using self-certified public key cryptography for multi-server architectures, IEEE Tra...
1. Debiao He, Sherali Zeadally, Baowen Xu, Xinyi Huang*, An efficient identity-based conditional privacy-preserving authentication scheme for vehicular ad-hoc networks, IEEE Transactions on Informatio...
1. Debiao He*, Miaomiao Tian, Jianhua Chen. Insecurity of an efficient certificateless aggregate signature with constant pairing computations, Information Sciences (SCI, CCF-B), vol. 268, pp. 458–462...
1. Debiao He*, Neeraj Kumar, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Jong-Hyouk Lee. Anonymous two-factor authentication for consumer roaming service in Global Mobility Networks, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electron...
1. Debiao He*, Shuhua Wu, Jianhua Chen. Note on 'Design of improved password authentication and update scheme based on elliptic curve cryptography', Mathematical and Computer Modelling (SCI), 55(3-4):...
1. Debiao He*, Jianhua Chen, Jin Hu. An authentication key agreement protocol using isogenies between elliptic curves, International Journal of Computers Communications & Control (SCI), 6(2): 251-258,...
2010年 Debiao He, Jianhua Chen, Yu Wang. On Diophantine equation 3a^2 x^4-By^2=1, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (SCI), 189(4): 679-687, 2010.


Email:cpeng@whu.edu.cn (彭聪)